Wednesday, June 8, 2011

My future? MY future.

I always had a plan.

When I was in high school, I knew exactly what I had to get done on a given day and how to get it done. I had plans and goals for the school year as well as for the summer. I thought I was in total control and liked my life that way. Because of this type A student deal, I walked a straight path, a smooth one I must say. I liked knowing where I was heading and understood my responsibilities.

I was responsible, but not passionate.

My college years have been an interesting journey to actually give myself a break to listen to my heart. I don't know what the future holds but I at least know one thing for sure: I will be passionate - about my job, family and friends, faith, goals... etc.

I am already 23. It seems like just yesterday when I turned 21 and thought ANYTHING was possible. While I am still young and there are so many opportunities, I am reminded everyday that there is no time to waste. There are so many things I want to accomplish in the next 5 years, 10 years, 20 years and so on.

Why so philosophical all of a sudden?

Well, I had a fabulous opportunity to chat with a good friend of mine today for good 4 hours and it got me thinking about what kind of plans I have for my future: right now, nothing really to be quite honest. I told myself that I will be spontaneous this summer to enjoy what I have not been able to enjoy during college but this thought turned into a shameful excuse to allow myself to live everyday without using a single brain cell for the last couple of days (actually I wouldn't be surprised if I lost some).

My friend and I talked through our plans for the future and why we are at where we are now. There are millions of other ways to spend my summer and the next two years, but what I know for sure is that now I have a PURPOSE for what I am doing. The exact activities on my planner don't really matter because I now have a clear purpose, and there are so many ways (other than what I myself assessed as the way to do it).

I won't make the same mistake of evaluating my life by others' standards. My future is MINE, whatever the consequence.

In August, I will have become a different person - both physically and mentally. I may not have a roadmap right now but I like it that way. I will let life happen. Well, at least for now ;)

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