A story about a man who sought to live a life for himself
누구나 인생의 비상을 갈망한다. 그러면서도 스스로를 가족이라는 덫에 더 깊이 파묻고 산다. 가볍게 여행하기를 꿈꾸면서도, 무거운 짐을 지고 한 곳에 머무를 수밖에 없을 만큼 많은 걸 축척하고 산다. 다른 사람 탓이 아니다. 순전히 자기 자신 탓이다. 누구나 탈출을 바라지만 의무를 져버리지 못한다.
This is the first book I picked up this summer. I was hesitant to buy a book in Korea because I knew I wouldn’t be able to bring it back to the States with me. So I decided to borrow books from my family and friends when visiting their houses. My cousin searched for this specific book from the pile of books she has stacked next to her bed.
The book cover already laid out the whole plot: a wall street corporate lawyer accidentally kills a neighbor and pretends to be the victim to hide his crime. Living under the victim’s identity as a photographer, he lives the life he could only dream of when he was living a comfortable, yet unsatisfactory life before the murder. One of his pictures suddenly gets him famous.
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