Thursday, June 30, 2011

Jeju trip

To be completely honest, I debated until the very last minute whether to.go on this trip or not because I was so sick that just the thought of traveling itself made me even worse. But I had signed up to attend a georgetown gettogether that weekend and wanted to meet other gtown graduates in Korea so...

I got on a 14 hour ferry
Without a return ticket
Without a map
Without a plan...

All I knew was that I was getting on that ferry and meeting everyone else the next morning.

Little did I know that this would turn out to be one of the most amazing trips of my life.

People might call me crazy for leaving like that but this was just what I needed in the midst of hectic schedule I was leading back in Seoul. I have always acted that way - overwhelmed myself with things to do and planned everything ahead of time so that I would feel like I am accomplishing something. But sometimes wr have to just let the opportunities find us instead of aggressively pursuing them.

During my 14 hour ferry ride, I read a book about a woman who used to be an ordinary housewife and is now a successful, wealthy leader at an internationally renown advertising company. I also saw groups of old men and women having a great time with food and alcohol they have prepared for the trip. I also made friends with people who got on the ferry alone (for various reasons that surprised me) like me. I also met the captain of the ship who took us to the navigation room and snuck out some food from the convenience store that was already closed.

I will introduce all the places Ive visited in separate posts since I have so much to say but for now, I would like to end this post with the following thought...

Ive always loved traveling because I could learn about other places and people with my eyes, ears, and mouth. But this trip was extraordinary in a sense that I communicated more intimately with myself by being completely free.
I went where I wanted to go, when I wanted to go, and ate what I wanted to eat etc.
Now that I am back to this scheduled life that constantly enforces a lifeless, average life style, I am already planning another trip that will teach myself yet another great lesson.

A famous TV show host once said, the stupid wander while the wise travels (the wording is a bit weird bc I tried to translate directly from korean).

My next destination = Busan, Inchun, Wulsan
Then = Singapore, Cambodia, Malaysia, Thailand

Too excited

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Being ready and seizing the opportunities

Today, I met a CEO and a consultant who's been my mentor since high school. During our 3-hour long conversation, I not only shared my concerns and asked for his advice but he also walked me through a huge project he's been preparing for awhile and will be launching this year. While I can't talk about the nature of this project here, I am very much considering joining the team later on, which is an exciting idea for me to consider as I start my career at PwC because I always wanted to be part of something that's growing and in this project, I see some immense potentials.

During our talk, he told me that people maybe have 3 opportunities (or lucks) during their lives and it is up to them to seize them. But these opportunities don't come to anyone and not everyone is prepared to take it and succeed when they come around.

In the past couple of months, I've been struggling to determine my plans; both academic and professional plans (which actually go hand-in-hand). Talking to my friends who seemed to have at least their 20's figured out, I honestly couldn't (and still can't) say how I planned to achieve my dream.

Wait, what is my dream anyway? what am I trying to do here? Yes, I want to own my own company someday but what company? and is MBA the only way to go? Do I really want to give up going to law school? what about the passion I had when I was young that I will devote my life to improving the living conditions of those that are less privileged? All these questions ate away the small bit of confidence I had and I seemed to fall deeper and deeper into a black hole I named, useless worries.

My mentor told me that I don't have to be so aggressive at picturing my dreams and figuring out every step to get there. I just need to prepare myself for when the time is right; because when it is, opportunities will come and I will be equip to seize those opportunities.

carpe diem  <3

PwC Associate

When I received a full-time offer from my summer internship, I was thrilled that I would have signed on the spot if they asked me to sign the contract. As the summer ended and I returned to Georgetown (after studying abroad at the LSE for a year), something inside of me kept pushing me to explore some more.

While I very much enjoyed the summer internship and learned so much from the people I worked with/for, I think a large part of me wanted to take a risk; not necessarily for something better but for something different. Not because I wasn't satisfied with the offer but because I'm just that kind of a person; I am motivated when I don't know what's ahead of me and I have to tailor my own solutions. I honestly don't know if the position I took at PwC is necessarily a better position than the other offer but one thing I know for sure is that I don't know.

When it comes to personal development, I believe I am a very risk-taking person, who embraces uncertainty. This is probably the main reason why I am pursuing consulting for now and entrepreneurship in the long-run. As many of my close friends and family members know, I want to run my own show one day. I want to own and run something that I can truly call my own. In order for me to leave that kind of legacy, I have to learn. PwC is where this will happen in the next few years and I'm excited but nervous at the same time.

With the New York apartment search and on-going mentoring, I am prepping myself for the next stage of my life at PwC in one of my favorite cities, New York. I will soon be able to hand out my own business card.

Yeah, it will suck not having breaks and not being able to sleep in and ask for extensions on my papers and projects but I define my own "happiness" and set my own priorities. This is why I will not just survive but succeed

샐러던트의 아침혁명 (Morning Revolution)

How to develop morning study habits

The author introduces his secret to obtaining 50+ certificates and licenses that are job-related and also for personal enjoyment. 

His message is simple: wake up 2 hours earlier and utilize those golden hours to do something you usually can't do during the day or at night. 

For someone who's been waking up at 10am everyday, this was a refreshing reminder that I really need to use my time more wisely and be productive during the time I'm awake. 

It was a fairly easy read and taught me a priceless lesson as I am going to be a full-time employee in just 2 months (wow....) and will have tons of other stuff I would like to accomplish at the same time. 

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

20대에 꼭 만나야 할 50인 (50 people you have to meet in your 20's)

20대의 만남이 인생을 좌우한다

1. 미래의 자신 2. 나를 인정해 주는 스승 3. 나를 과소평가하는 심사위원 4. 만화 주인공을 꿈꾸는 친구 5. 오늘 현재의 자신 6. 무대 뒤의 연극배우 7. 집요한 세일즈맨 8. 나를 알아주는 친구 9. 새벽의 거리청소부 10. 우유부단한 복덕방 아저씨 11. 늦은 오후의 우편배달부 12. 미지의 세계를 꿈꾸는 사람 13. 최고의 학생, 또는 최저의 학생 14. 고층빌딩 옥상에서 오줌을 누는 친구 15. 자살을 시도한 친구 16. 마지막 지하철을 탄 낮선 남자 17. 판매왕에 뽑힌 세일즈맨 18. 사건 뒤의 취재기자 19. 굉장한 일을 하겠다는 친구 20. 어릴 때의 자신 21. 단벌옷에도 언제나 자신만만한 여자 22. 고기잡이에 실패하고 돌아온 늙은 어부 23. 지하실 방의 독신주의자 24. 이름 없이 늙은 여류시인 25. 자수성가한 부자 26. 실연당한 젊은 여자 27. 절망을 노래하는 거리의 악사 28. 새벽의 편의점에서 빵을 먹는 있는 중년 사내 29. 말쑥한 차림의 동성연애자 30. 너그러운 스승 31. 사라진 좀도둑 32. 부상으로 뛰지 못하는 홈런타자 33. 선거에 패배한 국회의원 후보 34. 돈 한 푼 없이 식당에 들어가는 친구 35. 늙은 단역배우 36. 스물아홉 살까지 실업자면서 걱정이 없는 친구 37. 시합에 진 챔피언 38. 사투리를 버리지 못하는 친구 39. 가난한 발명가 40. 스무 살 차이의 아내와 결혼한 남자 41. 남자보다 더 남자다운 여자 42. 키작은 여자 마라톤 선수 43. 못생긴 여자를 사랑하는 친구 44. 편견으로 무장된 친구 45. 수영도 못하면서 바다에 뛰어드는 친구 46. 손으로 숟가락을 구부리는 친구 47. 거듭된 불운에 우는 선배 48. 나이보다 늙어 보이는 친구 49. 무서운 스승 50. 당신이 정말 만나고 싶은 한 사람 

Sunday, June 12, 2011

The Big Picture by Douglas Kennedy

A story about a man who sought to live a life for himself

누구나 인생의 비상을 갈망한다. 그러면서도 스스로를 가족이라는 덫에 더 깊이 파묻고 산다. 가볍게 여행하기를 꿈꾸면서도, 무거운 짐을 지고 한 곳에 머무를 수밖에 없을 만큼 많은 걸 축척하고 산다. 다른 사람 탓이 아니다. 순전히 자기 자신 탓이다. 누구나 탈출을 바라지만 의무를 져버리지 못한다.

This is the first book I picked up this summer. I was hesitant to buy a book in Korea because I knew I wouldn’t be able to bring it back to the States with me. So I decided to borrow books from my family and friends when visiting their houses. My cousin searched for this specific book from the pile of books she has stacked next to her bed.

The book cover already laid out the whole plot: a wall street corporate lawyer accidentally kills a neighbor and pretends to be the victim to hide his crime. Living under the victim’s identity as a photographer, he lives the life he could only dream of when he was living a comfortable, yet unsatisfactory life before the murder. One of his pictures suddenly gets him famous.

Friday, June 10, 2011



Seoul travel plans

핫플레이스 인 서울

CORNER│cafe★│FAMER│미술관│Casa BONITA│바가지머리│103 athome│FLOW+ 弘│Cafe START│유노추보│FORKFORK│Crazy Horse│JIAKIM│Alley│monlit│Bapster Scat Storage│ENCORE monlit│KWIN│p.532│i.posh│BOOKBINDERSDESIGN│MIX 

A-Land│general idea/ H&G│ADDICTED│THE EYE│PAPABUBBLE│ABBEY ROAD│Boy.+│닭으로 家│원조 초가집│PINACLE│PREMIUM│르벨로│이레서적│수 노래방│SanFrancisco Market│BLUSH│papergardenMARIMO│The Queen│셀레돈 포크와 묵은 김치│도산공원 

10 corso como│Pierrot Strike│T-LOUND│Once In A Blue Moon│KOON│GUILLAUME│DAILY PROJECTS│Debauve & Gallais│Gourmet Eo│ROYAL CUPCAKE│갤러리아 백화점 

-강남역 카페골목 
Episode #3:│VIN 103│the Sand│La Forêt│UHIC 후원카페 유익한 공간│MILK HOUSE│Casa Espana 
-강남역 맛집, 술집들 
W BURGER│사케 코이시│DUBLIN│창窓│깻잎떡볶이 아저씨│제일호프│RAiNBOW 

-해밀톤 호텔 주변 
My Thai│above│GECKO’S GARDEN│Zelen│mignon terrace│Ruby Edwards│SANTORINI│WINE FACTORY│Chef Meili Deli│버들골이야기│ALL THAT JAZZ│Jang’s 
-이슬람 사원 가는 길 
-이태원 쇼핑 
-남산 올라가는 길 
General rabbit’s BIG MUG│피자굽는부엌│요리사 손지영의 HATTORIKITCHEN│모토│THE JELL│DNBOOKS│남산공원 

-정독 도서관 주변 
사막│공정무역가게 g:ru│은나무│Egg│아트선재센터│북촌 칼국수│정독도서관 
-삼청동 문화거리 
One Of Kind│CoolgirlsRoom│yeon[緣]│八│창희│FATUM│피터팬과 돈키호테│La Clé│cafe Vangai│H WORKS│J’s KitCHEn│단풍나무집│OZ’s Kitchen│삼청동 수제비│삼청공원 
-북촌 한옥마을 
-인사동 문화거리 

YESUL│Maket M│Forest│be sweet on│cafe Oui│씽│뽈랄라수집관│imemine│커피프린스 1호점│대안공간 루프 
-홍대놀이터 주변 
Plan B│lomography│SEMO CAFE│홍대 놀이터 
-홍대삼거리~상수역 방면 서교동 뒷골목 
Record Forum│Vinyl│하카다분코│이바디│호호미욜2│MINON CUPCAKE│aA│더 막걸리│Chan’s│상상마당│조폭떡볶이│롤링홀│감싸롱│Jenny's Cafe│J's recipe│에뚜와 
-홍대 프리마켓 즐기기 
-홍대 클럽데이 

사직공원&종로구체육문화센터│창의문 혹은 자하문│말바위안내소&삼청공원│혜화문│흥인지문│장충체육관│숭례문 

그 외의 핫플레이스 
-서울의 핫 클럽 
-한강공원 반포, 잠원지구 
700 요트클럽│FRADIA 
-예술의 전당 

My summer reading list

엄마가, 미안해 그리고 사랑해 - 정옥숙
최진실의 어머니 정옥숙씨가 자기와 자식들의 이야기를 담은 에세이집

매력 DNA (그들이 인기 있는 이유)

업무에 시달리는 직장인, 이 책들로 스트레스를 풀어요:

소심하고 겁 많고 까탈스러운 여자 혼자 떠나는 걷기 여행 (김남희)
주말이 기다려지는 행복한 걷기여행 (서울 수도권) (김영록) 

내 인생의 멘토 여행지 30곳 (이두영)
대한민국 도시여행

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

My future? MY future.

I always had a plan.

When I was in high school, I knew exactly what I had to get done on a given day and how to get it done. I had plans and goals for the school year as well as for the summer. I thought I was in total control and liked my life that way. Because of this type A student deal, I walked a straight path, a smooth one I must say. I liked knowing where I was heading and understood my responsibilities.

I was responsible, but not passionate.

My college years have been an interesting journey to actually give myself a break to listen to my heart. I don't know what the future holds but I at least know one thing for sure: I will be passionate - about my job, family and friends, faith, goals... etc.

I am already 23. It seems like just yesterday when I turned 21 and thought ANYTHING was possible. While I am still young and there are so many opportunities, I am reminded everyday that there is no time to waste. There are so many things I want to accomplish in the next 5 years, 10 years, 20 years and so on.

Why so philosophical all of a sudden?

Well, I had a fabulous opportunity to chat with a good friend of mine today for good 4 hours and it got me thinking about what kind of plans I have for my future: right now, nothing really to be quite honest. I told myself that I will be spontaneous this summer to enjoy what I have not been able to enjoy during college but this thought turned into a shameful excuse to allow myself to live everyday without using a single brain cell for the last couple of days (actually I wouldn't be surprised if I lost some).

My friend and I talked through our plans for the future and why we are at where we are now. There are millions of other ways to spend my summer and the next two years, but what I know for sure is that now I have a PURPOSE for what I am doing. The exact activities on my planner don't really matter because I now have a clear purpose, and there are so many ways (other than what I myself assessed as the way to do it).

I won't make the same mistake of evaluating my life by others' standards. My future is MINE, whatever the consequence.

In August, I will have become a different person - both physically and mentally. I may not have a roadmap right now but I like it that way. I will let life happen. Well, at least for now ;)

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Korea: FOOD

I still haven't figured out the best way to organize my blog posts but after a week of stay in Korea, I had this sudden urge to brag about the food I've had here. Whenever I come to Korea, I come with this ambitious goal of losing weight, which involves some serious disciplinary actions to cut down my calories. Um, no thanks, seriously though. There is soooo much delicious food here that I am legit committing a crime if I restrict my diet to chicken breast and salad everyday.

Here are some photos and short captions of some (not all) of the food I've had here so far:

Korean-style omelette on a washboard (what a crazy/unique idea!)
Gangnam, Seoul

Yakisoba (Japanese-style noodles, here served on egg)
@ Blue Ketchup
Gangnam, Seoul

Bean sprouts soup

Steamed Chicken?!?!, 찜닭 (one of my favorite dishes in Korea, soy-sauced based chicken dish with noodles)
@ An-Dong Jjim Dak
Gangnam, Seoul

Rice balls, 주먹밥
(The literal translation is fist rice because you use your hands to mix all the ingredients together and mold it into small (or large) balls or rice. This place is also famous for chicken feet, which I don't have a picture of since I didn't really eat one...)
Gangnam, Seoul

Sujebi, 수제비
(pieces of dough in a soup. When most of Korea was poor decades ago, this was a common dish for many Koreans because it was relatively cheap and easy to make)
@ Dongdaemun marketplace
Dongdaemun, Seoul

Banquet noodle soup, 잔치국수
(Simple, yet all-time favorite noodle soup)
@ Dongdaemun marketplace
Dongdaemun, Seoul

 Traditional Korean set menu (special rice, fish, soup, kimchi, crabs... etc you name it and it was on that table)
Yangjaedong, Seoul

My cute nephew refusing to sit still and eat his food lol

 A typical Korean dinner (Lettuce is a must when Koreans eat bbq and all different sorts of kimchi to add more flavor to the meal)
Home, Seoul

That's it for today but I'm sure I will be adding more photos to this post unless there are dishes particular to the area I am visiting. Each country's food says so much about her culture and I am honored to have inherited such a rich heritage that boasts thousands of years of history. I can't wait for more!